Click to Call


What is click from call's point of view?

Snap to call is a telephone framework include that associates calls utilizing VoIP to set up the call between two individuals. Snap to call is otherwise called snap to dial and a single tick calling. The snap to call include began from call focuses to start outbound calls rapidly and stay away from human-caused dialing blunders. Over the long haul, the advantageous calling highlight utilized advances like WebRTC and Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP), including program modules to start calls. Snap to call likewise alludes to the capacity to make phone numbers and snap to-call buttons on a site page utilizing their current telephone administration. A client on their cell phone that clicks a call connection would be taken to their telephone application.

Benefits of click to call

Accelerate workflow

Avoid human error and speed up callbacks.

Enhance call tracking.

Lift your sales team and close deals faster.

Improve conversion rates.

Lift your sales team and close deals faster.

Empower website visitors.

Capitalize on web traffic and reach people.


Why businesses choose Cafmotel


Adjust your inclinations and switch highlights in minutes. Try not to think twice about scale or adaptability.


We handle more than one billion calls each year. Trustworthy 99.999% uptime you can trust.


Caflmotel is HIPAA and SOC-2 agreeable, with a multi-million-dollar security spending plan.

Call Quality

Elite server farms and HD Voice innovation guarantee prevalent voice quality.

Ease of Use

Anybody can set up and utilize Caflmotel's cloud PBX framework, not simply specialized staff.

Amazing Service​

Get live help your business needs from our in-house group accessible all day, every day.


Our support center is available round the clock 365 days.

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